Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

I've got plenty to be thankful for in 2011.  Good friends, lots of good movies and what I hope is a good attitude. 

Thanksgiving, for me, is the official start of holiday themed movie viewing.  While I will never willingly watch Plymouth Adventure ever again, here's a little Thanksgiving treat from one of my favorite holiday films from 1942, Holiday Inn starring Bing Crosby, Marjorie Reynolds and Fred Astaire.

Bing singing I've got plenty to be thankful for with the wonderful Louise Beavers.

I'm thankful that there are some readers here who have stuck around given my irregularity in posting.  While it's a tad early to make any resolutions in the new year, I will resolve to work harder and post more.  You have no clue how many draft posts there are awaiting completition in the queue!  In any case, thanks for reading and commenting when warranted.

Lastly, here's an odd bit of cheesecake that is holiday themed.  Let's hope that because Esther Williams is presenting a crown to this bird that he was spared being the dinner and got to live out his days on the MGM backlot.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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